
Magnetic Sphere (audio by Karri O.) from flight404 on Vimeo.

the new itunes visualizer, made by robert hodgin of flight404.com and processing scripting whiz fame, is probably one of the top 5 artworks i've seen this year, i spent about an hour and a half the other day watching it rererererererereregenerate ... four tet records seem to work extra good with it..

anyway, today i learned about some secret shortcuts

  • + and -: Increase or decrease the intensity (brightness) of the particles; multiple presses further increase or decrease the intensity.
  • A and S: Add or Subtract particles to the visualizer. You can make the visualizer as complex (or sparse) as you wish.
  • R: Reset the intensity and particle count to their default values.
  • E: When in nebula mode (press N), this greatly accentuates the nebula clouds, making them very easy to see. (If you’ve used the M key to change modes, you may find that the nebula clouds aren’t visible; it seems they’re only used in certain modes.)


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