
Let's Go Canucks!


RS said...

thought you'd like this seth http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150206845123342&set=a.383992823341.165060.351870263341&type=1&theater

Piktor Turic Oolong said...

ha! too good.

i like how all the Canadians are trying to make the argument that it was just a handful of people who came from other places just to riot.

and I guess that elite band of rioters all went out together the night before to buy a jersey of their favorite Canucks player just for the occasion?

Obviously everyone wasn't involved in the riots. But, from the images, it looks like the vast majority involved were wearing Canucks and Canada hockey jerseys.

maybe it was a CIA black-ops operation? all those Canucks clad "fans" were really american operatives?

anyway, I watched the whole series, and it was quite good. It was a very brutal series, for sure. The finger biting and head shots in the middle of the ice turned Vancouver into the villains, and the fans behavior after game 7 didn't help their cause.

there is no art



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