
Obama - Nobel Peace Prize

Obama on receiving the Nobel Peace prize ...

"And for my next profoundly peaceful act, I'm going to escalate the war in Afghanistan! Now Now... I know what some of you are thinking... but let me give it to you straight... War IS Peace!"

The whole world breaks out in applause, ready for war on every continent, now that they've been assured by a Nobel Peace prize recipient that war truly is peace (something that seemed a little less believable when monkey boy George Bush said it).

Obama's speech was interrupted for 25 minutes with the audience cheering jubilantly, "war is peace, war is peace, war is peace..."!


Ash said...

there's no straight line to war or peace. i don't think obama's decision to escalate in afghanistan is anything but the most peaceful way to end this conflict, given the money we're willing to spend as a nation. if we could afford to stop terrorists with rubber bullets that would be the way to go.

Piktor Turic Oolong said...

War is Peace! War is Peace! War is Peace! War is Peace!...

there is no art



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